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Touristic Sites In Jordan

Amman is the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan Near Amman (AlSalt,Wadi Seer) 1-- North and West of Amman(Jerash,‘Ajloun,Irbid,Umm Qais,Hemma,Umm al-Jimal) The Jordan Valley(The River Jordan,The Dead Sea,Deir Ain Abata Deir ‘Alla,Tabaqat Fahl) 2-- East of Amman: The Desert Castle Loop(Qasr al-Hallabat,Azraq Oasis,Qasr al-Azraq,Shomari Wildlife Reserve ,Qusayr ‘Amra,Qasr al-Harraneh,Qasr al-Mushatta Qastal) 3-- South of Amman(The King’sHighway,Madaba,MountNebo, Mkawer,Hammamat Ma’een,Karak,Khirbet al-Tannur,Tafileh ,Shobak,Dana Nature Reserve Wadi Rum) 4-- Petra 5-- Aqaba 6-- The Ancient Holy Land 7-- Islamic Holy Sites in Jordan

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Temple of Hercules

Temple of Hercules

Citadel, Amman, Jordan
The great temple of Hercules (Herakles) was built between 162-166 AD. Larger than any temple in Rome itself, the massive structure faces east and is seen here from the front (northeast corner.) The temple portico is framed by six 33-foot tall columns. The absence of columns on the rest of the structure, has convinced the excavator that the temple was actually left unfinished. A model of the temple is displayed at ACOR, the American Center for Oriental Research in Amman.

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